Saturday 26 September 2015

RIP Guitar Prodigy

RIP Guitar Prodigy, Jimmy McCulloch (4 June 1953 - 27 September 1979)
He'd have become 64 years old today...

ワタクシ、今年の夏は欧州にも行けず・・・ (>_<)



Thursday 4 June 2015

A Happy Birthday, Jimmy!!!

今年の私のbirthday contributionは、『ミュージックライフ』誌 1977年7月号に載ったジミーのインタヴューを、日本語と英語でお送りしたいと思います (結構、米国からのアクセスがあるので)

・・・と言っても、日本語は画像まんま貼付、英語はオリジナルのテキストはありませんし、70年代グラスゴーの若者英語など、私メには到底書けませんから、こんなprimitiveな訳で申し訳ありません。原文(?)の日本語と多少異なる箇所もあるかもしれませんが、そもそも英語→日本語→英語というわけわからん道程を辿った英訳(?)インタヴューであります。どうか大目に見て下さい m(__)m



(This is Jimmy McCulloch's interview published on "Music Life" magazine, July 1977, Japan.
The interview is translated from Japanese to English. I know this is weird, but I haven't got the original English text.)

I had my first guitar when I was eleven years old. While playing in a local band, we were lucky to play as an opening act at The Who’s concert in Scotland where I met Pete Townshend. He told me to contact him if we came to London, so I called him. We made a Thunderclap Newman album. Then I played for John Mayor and Stone the Crows. In the mean time I met Paul and I was asked to join the Wings, if I put very simply.

When I was four, I saw Tommy Steele playing the guitar on TV and I wished I could play like him.
My first guitar was a Harmony, similar to one J. J. Cale has.
At the moment I have about fifteen guitars. Some of them are double neck, I have Gibson and Martin…etc. My favorite ones are Gibson SG and Fender Stratocaster.

I’m now producing an album of a band, who are friends from my Scotland time.
As a Wings member, we have been recording since the end of April. Paul, Denny and all are fine.
I’m also writing songs. They are ok if other members like them, too, like “Medicine Jar” or “Wino Junko”.
(Kazuo Takeda: “Junko” sounds like a Japanese woman’s name.)
No, the word was created by my friend, who wrote the lyrics. The song is about a wine junky and warning for such kind of things.
(KT: How do you feel being a member of one of the most successful bands in the world now, namely Wings?)
Feeling very good, sometimes it somewhat feels like “one way”, though.
I will do all that I can do.

I took part in Rodger Daltrey’s solo album. There are many famous musicians such as Eric Clapton …and I am one of them. There’s a song Paul wrote for Rodger, too.
I also played in Roy Harper’s album. He’s a very good friend of mine. He called and asked me to come with a guitar as he was going to give a jam session. Finally, it turned out to be a recording as we found there’s a recording mobile unit with 16 channels the next morning. I felt very relaxed. It was a spontaneous experience which I like and it worked.
We will have time off from Wings for a while. I’m planning to make an album. Since this is going to be my first solo album, I’m searching for ideas and really looking forward to it.
Most of them are my songs. They are basically country rock or funk. I will pick up about 10 from 15 songs I have written so far.
I haven’t decided on the album title, but I think it will be a simple one such as “Jimmy McCulloch”
(How do you write songs?)
First, I think of backing track, then write lyrics by myself, but sometimes lyrics come out first, so there’s no certain way.
(KT: What do you do in your free time?)
Wings is about 90% of my life, so I don’t really have my own time, but sometimes I play darts, golf, snooker, tennis…everything, although I hardly do anything as I am very busy. Also, even if I have time, I produce my friends’ band, so I play music almost all the time.
(KT: I heard you are crazy about cars.)
Yes. I have Rolls for weekends, Ford’s sport car to drive in town. I’m also planning to buy a Hot rod designed for a race. There’s an old airport not used anymore, where it is ideal to drive this car.
Another rather realistic plan is to buy a new house, which is really cool and located about 150 miles from London.
(KT: What kind of music do you listen to these days?)
Booker T. & the M. G.'s new album. I’ve just bought it and I’m listening to it now, too.
(KT: Eric Clapton or Jeff Beck may be different and very special, but who’s your other favorite guitar player?)
Both Eric and Jeff are great guitarists. Especially, Jeff’s “The Return of Axe Murderer" is great! That’s really a cool album. The Who is my favorite group, too, and I was a big fan of them. I respect Jimi Hendrix, too. His free way of guitar playing was really cool.
(KT: What do you think of Albert King?)
Albert is a good friend of mine. I used to play with Chris Farlowe…
(KT: That is Albert Lee…)
Albert King? Of course, he’s great! Especially, “I’ll Play The Blues For You.”
I hope we can meet and talk more some time. Say hello to my Japanese fans!

Saturday 25 April 2015




本日26日@東京ドームのSET LISTです

8 Days a week
Save Us
All my loving
Let me Roll it
Paperback writer(☆☆☆)
My Valentine
A Long and Winding Road
Maybe I'm amazed
I've just seen a face(BrianはここからMr.Kiteまで、ずっと(?)ベース持たされています)
We can work it out
Another day(Rustyの珠玉のギタープレイが☆)
Hope for the future
And I love her(この曲は My Valentine のプロトタイプでしょうか?)
Here Today
Queenie eye(Rustyのボトルネック確認)
Lady Madonna
All together now
Lovely Rita
Eleanor Rigby
Mr. Kite
Ob la di ob la da
Band on the Run
Let it be
Live and let die
Hey Jude

Day TripperアンコールはBrianが大活躍☆)
Hi Hi Hi(Brianのボトルネックプレイ!
Can't buy me love
Helter Skelter
Golden Slumbers〜Carry that weight〜The End

本日は、Magical mystery tour I saw her standing there がありませんでした






皆様、Goodnight Tonight!!!

#paul_mccartney #wings #jimmy_mcculloch

Friday 24 April 2015





とりあえず、24日@東京ドームの公演中にメモったSET LIST載せておきます

Magical Mystery Tour
Save Us
Cant' buy me Love
Let me Roll it(Jimmyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!)
Paperback writer(イ〜シヤ〜キイ〜モ〜♪)
My Valentine
1985(いつも「Wings fanのために」って言うけど、JetもLet me roll itもWingsの曲じゃん!w)
A Long and Winding Road(泣。やっとここまで来たね・・・ ;_;)
Maybe I'm amazed(この動画ちょっとスゴイ)
I've just seen a face(Jimmyのベース・・・泣)
We can work it out(Paul様、あなたは全く時間をムダにしていないと思う)
Another day(月曜日から頑張って仕事へ行くOLを励ます歌)
Hope for the future(新曲・・・"Destiny"というゲームのためなんだって)
And I love her(☆☆☆)
Here Today
Queenie eye
Lady Madonna
All together now
Lovely Rita
Eleanor Rigby
Mr. Kite
Ob la di ob la da
Band on the Run(Rusty うまいよね。やっぱJimmyを意識しているのでしょうか、あのボトルネックは・・・)
Let it be
Live and let die(ドッカーン!w)
Hey Jude

Day Tripper(Brianかっけー!ここまであまり目立ってなかった彼ですが、ここに来て燦然と輝き出す)
Hi Hi Hi(Jimmy!!!! Rusty!!!!
I saw her standing there(☆☆☆)
Helter Skelter(はい、また上がって来て下さい)
Golden Slumbers〜Carry that weight〜The End(おしまい♪)

(*註 あのウクレレは、ジョージ→ポールに贈られたものだそうです。CT様にご教示頂きました!有難うございます。もちろん本当にバカにしてるわけはありません。いつのまにかギターを持ち替え、メチャカッコいいアレンジです)


個人的には、"Figure of 8"とか80〜90年代のソロ曲も聴きたいものですが・・・
また、"Goodnight Tonight"を、本当にあのベースライン弾きながら歌えるのか、生で確かめたい




今晩はこれを着ていきます!!!Goodnight Tonight!!!

#paul_mccartney #wings #jimmy_mcculloch

Thursday 19 February 2015


ついに、我らがPaul Sally君の手による、ジミーの伝記(評伝?)出版間近のようです

Author: Paul Sally
Editor: Mark Cunningham
Publisher: Dragon Multimedia


Paul君は、Paul McCartneyの事務所、MPLから、12枚の写真の使用許可ももらったそうです。大ポール(Maccaのこと)様も、本の出版を喜んでおられるとのこと

懲りずにチケットを購入した私です :)